Welcome to NIA Training

This is NIA Training, full extensive training selected by out top agents, and our top managers, so we have a custom tailor made, best of the best training for our agents! We have once again revamped our trainng section to help you, help your self at your own speed and knowledge comprehension rate. We all learn at different speeds and different styles so we have created this new section for just that purpose.

Our new training process, and videos will help you achieve your goal of financial success. Your approach to selling should follow that of a professional athlete, your appointment is game day! With out practice or knowledge of your upcoming game you will not be ready! We do not set up our agents for failure, follow our training guide here and you will succeed!

Product Knowledge

We have 20 different carriers, with a combined total of over 100 products! That seems overwhelming for someone to learn and understand all carriers, and all products, but you can learn them all here with our help!

Sales Training

"Let me think about it", or "I'm goin to look it over", how many times have you heard that one when you are trying to close a deal? Dont worry though, thats not an official deal-breaker. We have the training to teach you how to turn that response from your client into a close!